The phase of rising constellation and Uranus


The rising constellation is the first constellation rising at the intersection of the eastern horizon and the ecliptic when you were born. The rising sign is a person's external expression, which is what the outside world perceives you. So the rising sign can also tell you how you express yourself. The rising sign will influence a person to hold a certain idea and think how to behave in order to be accepted by others. Since the rising sign is also the first house in everyone's chart, which means everyone's childhood environment, you can know that the rising sign (that is, self expectation) is expressed by their parents when they are still young. What the rising sign reveals is not only the pattern of people's speech and behavior, but also their clothing, hairstyle, appearance and so on. Look at the information displayed by the different aspects between the rising constellation and Uranus.

Rising at 0 degrees to Uranus

This congenial person is very personal and never fails in encouraging others to be good to you. Most people like you, but a few are afraid of you, especially those who are suppressed by consciousness. You easily make people feel unimportant about your existence, although this is obviously not your original intention. It's easy for you to make friends with all kinds of people, regardless of their social status. You regard everyone you know as unique. You think that from the perspective of people, they are all human beings. In addition, people cannot be classified.You intuitively feel the process of human beings and society. You think that people's thoughts and structures obviously vary from person to person. So you actively defend everyone's rights as an individual. In your opinion, the past and its old traditions are only important to the lessons learned. Only when the shackles of the past are finally released can we move towards the future. Looking at the future, you are eager to cultivate a higher level of cognition, which is the core of human greater consciousness. You refuse to judge people only by material standards, thinking that this is not fully true. The highest value you can give others is to give them the way to explore new freedom. If they turn back from that way, they will reject the new freedom.

Rising at 60 degrees to Uranus

This separation makes one a person who is good at self-expression and can establish unusual relationships with others. Because of their original way of expression, they stand outside the masses and become the target of others. In interpersonal relations, they have an intuition and know how to awaken the cooperative spirit of others. Even unusual things can still be entrusted to them. Sometimes, their marriage partner or work partner will appear in a unique way.

Rising at 90 degrees to Uranus

The person of this aspect is a rebel in his heart. Even if his independence is temporarily challenged, you will fight frantically. Generally speaking, you are an irresponsible person. It is difficult to learn from your past experience. You are always arguing with your family like an alien. Generally speaking, you are indifferent to money. You prefer to work for what you call a meaningful enterprise. What you do is more important than what you get. You don't like a job that can't give you a certain degree of freedom and flexibility. The nine to five working mode makes you feel that you are bullying your personality. The only reason you want to be educated is that you want to make more contributions to society. You should be especially careful of those who want to take advantage of you and exploit you. Except for mutual recognition, you are unlikely to form a partnership with others because of a contract. You clearly remember the limitations of childhood because you were out of tune with your family, and you don't want to experience this feeling again. You are very dissatisfied with the injustice in the society. You hope that one day you can do your bit to completely end this different phenomenon.

Rising 120 degrees to Uranus

People of this aspect always express themselves in a primitive, strong and firm form. They usually have tall stature and will give people a deep impression. He is a natural leader, who can naturally arouse the enthusiasm of the masses and gain recognition. They may also get involved in a relationship unexpectedly.

Rising 180 degrees to Uranus

The personality of this aspect easily attracts those who desire freedom, even if it will reduce your own free space, which makes you very angry. Those who like to despise authority always admire you, and you are willing to share their ardent desire for independence and freedom. When you are asked to make a commitment, you always feel uneasy because you feel that the agreement and related obligations are binding and disturbing. Marriage in the traditional sense is not to your taste. You usually choose a more free way to combine. The only thing that affects the relationship between the two sides should be your feelings for each other. You enjoy a wide circle of friends, where you can freely share your views with friends without fear.Rebellious by nature, you may leave your hometown at a young age to realize your dreams. Although you are a man of your own will, I am afraid you are not fully prepared for the responsibilities you will have to bear for your actions. You tend to avoid competition and give yourself an excuse to say that competition is just a trap set by a constrained society. You make your own rules and use them as guidelines for others. Unfortunately, these rules are not so marketable. Part of your role in life is to help others gain freedom by urging them to receive education and learn about social and political issues that will affect them.