The phase between the rising constellation and the sun

The rising constellation is the first constellation rising at the intersection of the eastern horizon and the ecliptic when you were born. The rising sign is a person's external expression, which is what the outside world perceives you. So the rising sign can also tell you how you express yourself. The rising sign will influence a person to hold a certain idea and think how to behave in order to be accepted by others. Since the rising sign is also the first house in everyone's chart, which means everyone's childhood environment, you can know that the rising sign (that is, self expectation) is expressed by their parents when they are still young. What the rising sign reveals is not only the pattern of people's speech and behavior, but also their clothing, hairstyle, appearance and so on.Usually, a person's sun and rising constellations are not the same. In each 24-hour day, 12 constellations rise from the ground level in sequence, so you can know that the replacement time of each rising constellation is about two hours. Your sun sign is the one that rises at sunrise on the day you were born. That is to say, only those born at sunrise are the lucky ones with the same sun sign and rising sign. Their external performance is consistent with their internal essence. Most of the time, our sun is hidden behind the rising constellation. Now please see the information displayed by the various phases between the sun and the rising constellation.

Rise at 0 ° to the sun

This congenial person has a strong desire to be recognized, and has a creative talent in attracting attention. You may be so satisfied with your identity that you can't understand how important these factors are to the people around you. Usually, you are reluctant to compromise because you are afraid that you may have to submit to the authority of others. However, you are confident in your ability to get rid of adversity. You also know how to use your powerful creative resources to directly attack your opponents, because you believe that you will win in the end. These are just most cases. However, when you encounter tough competition and are unsure of the outcome, you may act rashly to show that you will not give in without a fight. You know how to win friends, influence others, and use this talent very effectively. Although you have so many talents, you will still be surprised to see that someone will surpass you, which makes you very troubled. In order to be truly satisfied in the workplace, you need to have a position that has the power to govern others.

Rising at 60 degrees to the sun

The greatest characteristic of these people is that their hearts and expressions are well coordinated. Their will development is very complete, especially in the aspect of intelligence, and they have rich creative energy, which can be appropriately expressed. They are very enthusiastic in various interpersonal relationships, and have dramatic and innovative expressions, especially in marriage.

Rise at 90 degrees to the sun

When people with this aspect try to express themselves, they will unconsciously make people around them feel disgusted. You often have trouble trying to prove your honesty and reliability. You are talented and capable, but you can't get along well with others, which often leads to resentment of others. Your love for others can never make up for their mistrust of your loyalty. You only compromise when you have no choice. When you are honest with yourself, you are always out of your depth. If you want to be recognized by everyone, the only way is to make yourself more modest. Only in this way, people will not feel that you are forcing them. Similarly, you should let others be more active in communication, rather than passively accepting your needs, which is also one of the treasures to improve this adverse factor.You should also get used to meeting resistance when doing things. Because nothing can be done easily, knowing this will help you form a good personality. In a highly restrictive job, you always have difficulties facing your boss. You certainly know that you must rely on your own efforts to succeed, but you should show differences in rank and status when facing authority figures. When you realize that it is your attitude rather than your ability that offends others, you are not far from success.

Rising at 120 degrees to the sun

People with this aspect are positive, optimistic, self-confident, and have rich willpower and energy. Your magnanimity can win others' willingness to cooperate. This aspect will also bring you harmonious interpersonal relationships.

Rising 180 degrees to the sun

You will be impressed by those who have met once, and you also hope that they will reciprocate. For those with a strong sense of self who are trying to control you, you always have a way to get their attention. In order to get the other person's attention, you like to show that you doubt the importance of yourself, but in fact you are not aware of this motivation. Because you are somewhat unsure, you are afraid of being rejected. You have a tendency to cling to the successful people you admire because you want to prove that you are not only tolerated but also appreciated. In other words, you are always expecting people to beat around the Bush, so that you can improve your declining self-confidence through flattery.In terms of interpersonal relationship, you always try hard to achieve everything expected. It seems that you are repeatedly confirming that your friends think highly of you. You must get rid of the dependence on your parents' sense of security, and transfer the objects of dependence to the people you can reach. You will not decide whether to stick to your own views until you are concerned. If you decide to do business or delve into a certain professional field, it is definitely a spiritual wealth. This is because you will give customers a feeling of being above customers, and then they will be very excited to pay for your service. They know that you are worth your money.

Maybe it's because you enjoy the feeling of being surrounded, and you are unimpeded in communicating with others. But you must work hard to convince your colleagues that you are as capable as them. Otherwise, you'd rather go it alone. When competing for a job, you have to show strong self-confidence, or you will be ostracized.