The phase between the rising constellation and the moon

The rising constellation is the first constellation rising at the intersection of the eastern horizon and the ecliptic when you were born. The rising sign is a person's external expression, which is what the outside world perceives you. So the rising sign can also tell you how you express yourself. The rising sign will influence a person to hold a certain idea and think how to behave in order to be accepted by others. Since the rising sign is also the first house in everyone's chart, which means everyone's childhood environment, you can know that the rising sign (that is, self expectation) is expressed by their parents when they are still young. What the rising sign reveals is not only the pattern of people's speech and behavior, but also their clothing, hairstyle, appearance and so on.

Rise at 0 ° to the moon

People with this unity are easily influenced by emotions. You want to have close and intimate contact with others, but you want to keep a certain distance from others, because you are afraid of doing your duty to them. This fear forces you to deny many beneficial friendships in order to remain safe and not develop into intimate contacts. You are a very contradictory person, asking others, but when others treat you the same, you complain. Expect others to be friendly to you and know when to step back. Eager for warm social interaction, but still cut off before establishing contact. When you succeed in building an intimate relationship, unless you are sure of your imagination, you are more negative and harsh towards people who want to motivate you. You are so emotional that it is almost impossible for you to judge the motivation of others to interact with you by reason. On the surface, you are very independent, but to be honest, you expect to play a calm role, know that the other party really cares about you, and enjoy that comfort. This can only happen if you lower your vigilance and learn to compromise.

Rising at 90 degrees to the moon

People with this aspect are very emotional and follow their heart to people and things. There are certain difficulties in assessing their own real environment. Maybe you are aware of this trend and are very troubled by your idealistic attitude. However, your habit has long been deeply rooted and is difficult to change. Your mind is always trying to mold you into an emotional and vulnerable person. Always appear powerless to change the reality, vulnerable to the ideas of others. This kind of difficulty in facing the reality does cause you to have trouble easily in your interpersonal relationship. Because the people around you always don't know how you will react.You are a sentimentalist with deep family complex. It's not easy for you to transfer this feeling of home to other people you associate with. However, say goodbye to the past, abandon emotional thoughts, and don't be too concerned about other people's ideas. These are very key factors for your successful self-development.

Open competition is indeed cruel. Unless you can learn how to face people and things independently, you can be independent in the competition. Everyone feels the same when facing challenges. When you realize this, you will feel that you are not alone. If you talk to your friends about difficulties and challenges, you will find that they are very similar. Maybe it will make you feel more relaxed. In your career, don't pursue goals that you can't achieve, so as to bear too heavy psychological burden. If you don't have the corresponding learning ability, please consider receiving more relevant education, which will put you in a favorable position in the competition. Be careful of people who use you to achieve their goals, but blame you for all your mistakes. To sum up, strive to develop yourself and don't let your enemies know your weaknesses. The important thing is to make yourself more confident from now on.

Rising at 120 degrees to the moon

People with this aspect have a very favorable emotional expression, because you only make constructive expression. Similarly, you can also be sensitive to other people's emotions. Your imagination is active, and you can give consideration to both family and work, so that both can have good development.

Rising 180 degrees to the moon

People with this aspect always try to involve themselves in the private affairs of others around them. Because of the dissatisfaction with casual encounters and objective communication, you want to be interested in other people's affairs. As a result, people will beg you for compassionate understanding. Subconsciously, this is how you need others to rely on you. You have been trying all your life to transfer your childhood loyalty to your parents to those who can privately identify with you. It seems that this is the only way to maintain the emotional security you have been used to for a long time.You have a wide social circle, and because of your generous and kind nature, your friends in the circle think highly of you. However, you still find it difficult to form a close circle of friends with private space, because you can't be sure that you can undertake all the obligations involved in such a circle. You want to be loved, and you often talk about it. In order to maintain a good relationship with the other party, you always worry privately about whether you have changed yourself enough to adapt to the changes in the relationship, although in fact you have done very little.

In addition to giving full play to your strengths in the social environment, public relations is also like a duck to water for you. You can only accept careers related to public relations if you hate being alone. However, you may encounter difficulties in pursuing material things, because sometimes your capricious behavior will make your boss think you are emotionally unstable, so I'm afraid you can't be relied on. So you must learn to be independent and believe in your independence. As long as you keep your faith, what you desire will come true one day.