The phase of Mars and Saturn

Mars is at 0 degrees to Saturn

From a positive point of view, this combination has the ability to work hard, strong endurance, will not change according to circumstances, and still has the characteristics of full courage in difficult situations. Unless this union is in good condition on the heavenly chart, this union represents the characteristics of anger, pain and resentment. Negative situations can lead to a combination of resentment and violence. This anger is due to Saturn's frustration in self-expression. When this conjunction is trapped, it may cause fractures and other skin diseases.

Mars is at 60 degrees to Saturn

This separation can make people perform well in work and sports. They are especially patient and indomitable in character, and they are also able to work with precision. Such people can vent their energy in the most practical and efficient way. The sextile formed by these two planets fails to produce attractive characteristics. Such people have such a powerful attitude towards life as Bada people. They often give people the impression of coldness and harshness.

Mars is at 90 degrees to Saturn

The man with a separate face has a hard and harsh disposition. The actions of these people have been repeatedly frustrated, making them pessimistic and resentful. This kind of person's temperament has a mild taste. Their ambitions will be hindered and their interpersonal relationships will be poor, especially with their spouses and work partners. In some cases, excessive harshness and self-discipline can lead to health crises. At work, this phase separation will bring about a difficult, dirty and even dangerous objective environment. Sometimes a crisis at work can be fatal. These people also have a certain degree of indifference. They are selfish and will not lend a helping hand to others unless they can benefit at the same time.

Mars is 120 degrees from Saturn

This trine has all the advantages of Capricorn, Saturn is the main star of Capricorn, and Mars will strengthen its characteristics. This aspect shows the ability to do difficult, rigorous and purposeful work. Their energy will not be wasted on meaningless things, but will exert the most effective influence with the least energy as far as possible. This separated person has strong willpower and patience at the same time. This phase brings patience and bold and refined action power, which is very helpful to those who must bear heavy responsibilities, and can give them the ability to deal with crises and face difficulties. Under pressure, they still have enough energy and courage.

Mars is 180 degrees from Saturn

This aspect has an angry, heavy temperament. They often feel frustrated, and only by violent and fierce behavior can they overcome their inferiority complex of fear of being denied, and show their own advantages and the authority of leaders. Their career ambitions will be eroded by bad luck and those in power. Their relationship with their parents is not good, especially the father, because their parents will bring them a sense of oppression. Problems arising from the partnership or joint property will make the relationship between them close to tension. These people are extremely unfriendly and refuse to help others. Similarly, others are unwilling to help them.