Dream of pods

The owner of the pod and Mu keep a gap between the beans in the pod, which symbolizes that people get along with mu.

  • Dreaming of pods means that family units can have a relationship with mu, and a good day is coming.
  • Dreaming of immature pods means quarreling with others.
  • Dream of planting pods and achieving a bumper harvest. Pay more attention in communication and avoid making duplicity friends.
  • Dreaming of stealing pods indicates good luck, comfortable travel and success in career.
  • Dreaming of stealing pods with others indicates that your recent energy is spent on knowledge other than your own work, and you may lower your requirements for your own tasks. However, you broaden your horizons. It is suggested that when you do things, you should not only do your own work well and obtain the recognition of others, but also increase your own experience through your spare time.

Different people dream of pods

  • Farmers dream of pea pods, indicating a good harvest.
  • Businessmen dream of stealing pods, which indicates that the financial luck will fluctuate. They should make good plans when it comes to investment projects or financial plans, so as to avoid financial tension in the later stage.
  • Donkey friends dream of stealing pods, which indicates that they will have the opportunity to travel recently, and the journey will be very happy, but they can't travel far.
  • Scholars dream of stealing pods, which indicates that they have good test results and can make some progress, but they can't be proud of it. They need to continue to work hard.
  • Pregnant women dream of pods, which indicates that they will have boys in the future and the baby will grow healthily. It is a good omen.
  • Pregnant women dream of picking pods, which indicates that your work will be very smooth, your income will increase, and will be appreciated by the leaders in the near future. The baby will be born safely and healthily in the future, and the family will live a very happy and happy life.
  • Pregnant women dream of eating pods, which indicates good luck in the near future, happy events will happen, good luck from relatives and friends, sincere blessings, and harmony and happiness in life.
  • Pregnant women dream of picking their own pods, which indicates that you will get a good harvest in life or career, but pay more attention to interpersonal relationships and avoid quarrels with others.
  • Pregnant women dream of picking long pods, which indicates that your recent financial luck is very good. You and your baby are very healthy, but you should also calm down, so that you can be happy for a long time.