Dream of Chestnut

Dreaming of chestnut is a hint of transit. Soon, work and career will reach a new level.

  • Dreaming of picking chestnuts means that your parents are healthy.
  • Dream of peeling chestnut, you may solve a problem that can't be solved for a long time.
  • Dream of frying chestnuts or boiling chestnuts. Be careful to be deceived by people you trust.
  • Dreaming of eating chestnut indicates that you may have an unusual relationship with the opposite sex.
  • Dreaming of processing chestnut indicates a loss in business, but there will be a comfortable partner in life.

Different people dream of eating Chestnut:

  • The young woman dreamed of eating chestnuts or divining with chestnuts. She would have a very rich lover and live a rich life.
  • Investors dream of eating chestnut, and the stock market suggests cautious handling, which seems to fall.
  • Women dream of many chestnuts. The Lord's luck has changed a lot recently. We should take courage and decision as a wise reform. Your place of residence may change, or be wary of disputes.
  • Pregnant women dream of chestnut, which is an auspicious sign. This dream indicates that you have a great chance of giving birth to a male baby. At the same time, it also indicates that you and the fetus are very healthy. Remind pregnant mothers not to worry too much!
  • People who plan to go out dream of picking up chestnuts and suggest going out on another date.
  • People preparing for the exam dream of picking up chestnuts, which means that although there are great obstacles, they should have determination and perseverance to take the exam.
  • Pregnant people dream of picking up chestnuts, which indicates that they will have a daughter and delay childbirth. They should pay attention to safety.
  • Entrepreneurs dream of picking up chestnuts, which means it's not smooth. They should keep it. It's better to wait for autumn.
  • People who talk about marriage dream of picking up chestnuts, which shows that they can find out each other's shortcomings if they can tolerate each other's marriage.