Dream of the sky

Dream of the sky, means that others feel boring things, you are happy in it. Today's you are always in a state of high spirits for a long time. You need some quiet music to help you fall asleep. Love is a bit insipid. You may feel nothing, but lovers may feel a little boring. Giving each other a slightly luxurious gift on holiday will achieve good results.

Dream of fairies flying in the sky, there will be good things happen, there may be a huge sum of money from relatives.

Dream of a clear sky, love will progress. You can look forward to a happy date. It's best to choose parks, seaside, wild places for dating.

Dream of hanging in the balloon up to the sky, may have a traffic accident. Be careful when going up and down stairs and crossing the road. If you ride or drive, you have to be more careful.

Dream of their own high floating in the sky, fortune decline. Especially in terms of health, people have to worry about the tendency that minor diseases will become serious diseases if they are not cured

Dream of Tianma galloping in the sky, will be all the best. Of course, the love side will go well. The hearts of the two will be more closely linked.

Dream of the dark sky, the pursuit of change in the heart gradually strong, unable to calm down, may come up with new tricks. However, it's always bad to act rashly. You must think twice before you act.

Dream of money floating in the sky, bad fortune. They will worry about unexpected expenses, and there is a great possibility of pickpocketing and looting. Be very careful!

Dream of climbing stairs, looking at the sky, fortune show. There will be unexpected income from unexpected places.

Dream of falling from the sky, there will be unpleasant things happen.

Dream of rising to the sky, peach luck is very strong. Maybe on the road, you will meet the person in your heart who smiles at you, or the lover who has fallen out asks for a new relationship, etc.