Dream of basket

The basket in the dream is full of symbols of health, and the empty represents emptiness.

The basket in the dream can also be used as a female sexual symbol.

Dreaming of a basket full of fruit or other food can symbolize health.

Dreaming of an empty basket can represent emptiness.

Dreaming of a flower basket indicates good luck in the near future. Everything around you will flourish and harvest sincere friendship. At the same time, it also indicates that your heart is full of sense of achievement and happiness, so the flower basket will appear in your dream.

Dream of a basket, indicating that life or work is in their own plan.

Dreaming of a cradle can mean a new life or a new beginning. In a prophetic dream, the cradle represents possible hope or pregnancy. In a man's dream, it symbolizes the hope to return to his mother's arms or to be protected.