Dream of sugar, candy

Sugar is love, love is the sweetest thing in life Dreaming of sugar indicates that your life is satisfactory, love is sweet and family is happy.

  • Dream that the sugar is sticky, or stick to your hand, is to remind you to mind your own business and be careful that you pay kindly, but you finally encounter trouble and can't get rid of it.
  • Dream of eating candy, good luck.
  • Married women dream of eating candy and will be invited to their mother's wedding.
  • Unmarried men dream of eating candy. The wedding will be very grand and luxurious.
  • Unmarried women dream of eating candy and marrying a rich man.
  • Dream of making candy, will be in trouble.
  • Dreaming of giving candy to others and being promoted may also indicate that your single love is coming to an end.
  • Dreaming of candy from others means that love is coming to you, and it may also indicate that power will increase.