Dream of axe, axe

Axe is hard work. It takes a lot of strength to use an axe, which symbolizes your efforts.

  • Dream of an axe, usually symbolizes honesty and hard work, which means that you will rely on your own efforts to defeat your opponent.
  • Dreaming of a sharp axe or holding an axe indicates that you can defeat the enemy and overcome difficulties with strength; Or rely on their own down-to-earth efforts to get out of difficulties and achieve success.
  • Dreaming that the axe is small and blunt means that you can't compete with the enemy with your own efforts.
  • Dreaming that someone gave him an axe means that with the help of friends, he can escape the attack of the enemy.
  • Dreaming that even people with axes fall from a tree means that the difficulties are much smaller than they think and can be overcome easily.
  • Dreaming that the girl gave herself an axe means that although I am not very satisfied with her, I will accept her, fulfill my promise and marry her.
  • Dream that the axe has fallen, which indicates that the obstacles blocking your progress will be eliminated.
  • Dreaming of someone giving you an axe means that you will get the help of your friends and come out of failure.
  • Dreaming of an old blunt axe means that your extreme conceit has offset some of the glory of your own success.
  • Dreaming that someone gave you an axe means that you can escape the attack of the enemy with the help of your friends.
  • Dream of accidentally hurting yourself with an axe, which indicates that you will have good luck and get unexpected harvest.
  • Dream of buying a gold axe indicates that the dreamer's recent fortune will experience great twists and turns and encounter no small setbacks. Only with the courage to break the boat can he overcome the difficulties, which must be a sign of good fortune.

Different people dream of axes

  • A young woman dreams of an axe, which indicates that her lover is not very rich, but worthy of her love.
  • Those who go to school dream of an axe, which means that although there is resistance, they can finally reach their wishes.
  • A businessman dreams of an axe, which means that the business is not smooth and stops. It is appropriate to retreat.
  • People in benmingnian dream of an axe, which means that everything is smooth, everything should be handled personally, and don't go out in rainy days.
  • People in love dream of axes, which shows that marriage can be achieved as long as they trust each other. There are festivities in autumn.
  • Pregnant people dream of axes, indicating the birth of women, spring accounts for the birth of men, avoid moving the earth and fetal Qi.
  • Travelers dream of axes and suggest stopping in case of rain and delaying travel.
  • Unmarried men dream that their girlfriend gives them an axe, which implies that in your subconscious mind, you are not very satisfied with her, but you will marry out of responsibility and other factors.
  • Lovers dream that even people with axes fall from the tree, which shows that your love luck is very good, your love is very sweet, and lovers love you very much.
  • Businessmen dream of buying axes, the main fortune will go through ups and downs, and there will be a very difficult period to go through, but as long as they survive this period, they can enjoy success and earn a lot of wealth.
  • A woman dreams of buying a golden axe. This dream is auspicious, suggesting that the dreamer is about to live a good life.
  • Lovers dream of buying a golden axe, which shows that the emotional situation needs to be developed. There will be good love objects, but they can't be too self-centered, otherwise it will easily lead to image rupture and love failure.
  • Students dream of buying a golden axe, which indicates that their recent academic performance has improved, which is a good omen.
  • Unemployed people dream of buying gold axes. Their luck in job hunting is mediocre, and there are no good jobs for you to choose from; But you can choose to start a business, but starting a business will go through some hardships. If you stick to it, you can finally achieve a career.