Dream of the station

  • Dreaming of the station means that in your life, you may look forward to changing the environment and eager to start a new stage, representing the beginning and end of things.
  • Dreaming that there are many people on the platform of the station and the flow of people is bustling, which means that you are full of confusion and can't make a good choice about something or the direction of the future.
  • Dream that the platform is empty and there is no one, suggesting that you have decided the direction, or the direction you finally decide makes you feel very lonely, and there are too few roads you can choose, which makes you feel painful and sad.
  • Dream that the station is very beautiful, modern, clean and bright, indicating a happy life and smooth career. You may be about to start a new journey.
  • Dream of staying in a dilapidated station with a crowded and narrow place, which means that your life or career may encounter some problems and life will encounter many difficulties.
  • Dream of the railway station, which indicates that the recent fortune fluctuates greatly. You have some ideas changing constantly, and some new thoughts are constantly impacting you. This is a turning point in your life, and it is also a turning point from one aspect to another. It is time to make up your mind to give yourself a definite answer.
  • Dreaming of waiting for the bus at the station indicates that you will make close friends and your feelings will be very sweet and happy. Career and wealth will soon improve.
  • Dreaming of yourself waiting for a bus at the station implies that in real life, you are in a critical period waiting for a new stage to come or preparing to start and change the environment.

Different people dream of the station

  • Men dream of the station, which indicates that your career has improved or has been successful.
  • Women dream of the station, which means they will encounter a painful parting.
  • Employees dream of the railway station, which indicates that you want to change your current working situation, whether it's working environment or work tasks, and you're eager to change. This is a major decision. If you make a choice, you will persevere, you will see different scenery and reap your own success.
  • In love, men and women dream of the railway station, which indicates that there are some problems in your relationship recently. It may be the differences in thoughts or living habits, which makes your relationship crack. If it is not properly solved, it may lead to the failure of this relationship.
  • Businessmen dream of the railway station, which indicates that they will lose money and transportation recently. This loss is also a reminder that you need to change your long-standing business model and seek change in order to succeed in the mall.
  • Students dream of the railway station, which indicates that their learning fortune is general and they will have the opportunity to study abroad. They should seize the opportunity and actively enrich themselves in order to gain academic success.
  • Men dream of waiting for a bus at the station, which shows that they have good financial luck. They will get investment advice through their friends. As long as they can seize the opportunity, they will have money.
  • Women dream of waiting for the bus at the station, which indicates that they will go out to play in the near future and make friends on the way, so the road will be very pleasant.
  • Students dream of waiting for the bus at the station, which shows that they have good test scores and great progress. They can always calmly analyze and deepen their absorption and understanding of knowledge.
  • The businessman dreamed of waiting for the bus at the station and said that he would make honest partners in the business field, which would help the business.
  • The staff dreamed of waiting for the bus at the station, indicating that the goal of work is becoming more and more clear, and has begun to have the idea of changing the current situation.