Dream of Centipede


Dream that the house is full of centipedes, increasing property and interests, and signs of disappearance such as worry, worry, distress and disease.

Dreaming of a large centipede or being chased by a centipede is an auspicious omen. The dreamer will go well.

Dream of being stung by a centipede, you will succeed in business and make a fortune.

Dream of centipede bite, will be healthy, add life and increase the age.

Dream of catching centipedes, will set up a lot of enemies, hinder their career development.

Dream of killing a centipede, will have a crisis with friends, former friends turn against each other.

Dream of centipedes in a pile, will encounter failure in business, due to poor business management, resulting in irreparable losses.

Dream of centipedes everywhere. The attacked party has the upper hand and the attacked party is defeated. This is a good omen. The dreamer will pay off his debts or recover soon.

Different people dream of centipedes

A woman dreams of a centipede, which will bring harmony between husband and wife, family happiness, and Wang Fu's life to help her husband achieve career success.

The patient dreamed that the centipede appeared, and his condition would soon improve. He was strong and all diseases dissipated.

Businessmen dream of centipedes. They will prosper in business and make a lot of money. They will become powerful figures.

The merchant dreamed that the centipede died, and there would be no small loss in business, or even bankruptcy.