Dream of the urn

The urn is the container that people use to hold the ashes of human remains after they are cremated. The urn is always associated with death, containing death, soul, or some kind of emotional sustenance. Dreaming of an urn generally means that one's bad mood or a secret wants to be hidden from anyone.

  • Dreaming of his urn indicates that the dreamer's physical condition will decline and get sick.
  • Dream of buying an urn and meeting your enemy again.
  • Dream of breaking the urn, the dreamer will provoke the people around him and be despised because of a small thing.
  • Dream of hiding the urn, you are a self closed person, do not want to share things with you.
  • Dreaming of a lot of caskets means that there will be many people around you who want to frame you, so you must be careful.
  • Dream of the casket emitting a lot of smoke, which means that relatives are promoted, and the casket represents an old friend; That means you have dead relatives and friends who will promote your relatives.

Different people dream of the urn

  • The patient's dream of the urn means that he is more and more worried about his physical health, and emotionally means that he has no hope for his current love.
  • Unmarried men and women dream of an urn. Recently, love can be successful, but prevent both sides from being too selfish and leading to rupture.
  • Men dream of the urn. Everything should not go deep. They should retreat to the status quo in order to be safe. It is an image of bitterness before sweetness. It is not suitable to act rashly.
  • Pregnant people dream of an urn, indicating the birth of a boy.
  • People who talk about marriage dream of the urn, which shows that it is difficult for husband and wife to have a harmonious relationship after marriage. If they ask the media to talk about marriage, it is difficult.
  • Entrepreneurs dream that the urn represents the loss of property and should be rearranged.
  • People preparing for the exam dream of an urn, which means they can't be admitted as they wish, and the liberal arts will be strengthened.
  • Those who intend to go out dream of the urn and suggest delaying their departure in case of thunderstorm.
  • People who go to school dream of other people's urn, which means poor grades. They will work harder next year.
  • Business people dream of other people's urn. The representative is not smooth and has different opinions. It is advisable to adjust the communication before operating.
  • People in benmingnian dream of other people's urn, which means to pay the price of hard work and recycle it later. Beware of official litigation.
  • People in love dream of other people's urn, which shows that there are many twists and turns in first love, and then become a couple, and the marriage is smooth.