Dream of feet


The feet in the dream embody the foundation of man.

  • Dreaming that you are barefoot implies that you must overcome many difficulties in order to achieve your goal.
  • Dreaming that your feet are cut off means that your survival foundation will be hurt. You should adjust to the new environment as soon as possible. However, according to the traditional Chinese dream interpretation point of view, having this dream may also indicate an official.
  • Dream of disabled feet, be careful to guard against scandals, maybe you will be falsely accused and framed.
  • Dreaming of how long you have a foot indicates that you can withstand pressure, support everything and overcome difficulties.
  • Businessmen dream that they have grown many feet, which means that their business covers a wider range, more projects and more branches. They need to be busy everywhere, with extensive financial resources and multiple inputs.
  • Dream that the hair on your feet is very thick and dense, indicating that you may have a dispute with your lover. Pay attention to avoid impulse.
  • Dream of particularly large feet, indicating good health and stable life.
  • Dream of particularly small feet, then remind you not to ask for trouble.
  • Dream of dirty feet, suggesting that the heart is disgusted with sexuality, or that there is an abnormal sexual relationship in life.
  • Dream of swollen feet, indicating that the foundation is unstable and the internal is weak. You may actually have no strength to deal with the current complex situation, economic difficulties, work fatigue, or financial debt.
  • Dreaming of blisters on your feet means that you are going to achieve your goal and live a stable life.
  • Dreaming of foot injury means that you may encounter setbacks or get sick at work.
  • Dreaming that your feet are scalded indicates that people close to you may accidentally cause heavy losses to you and hurt your foundation.
  • Dream of hands and feet tied, indicating that you will encounter trouble in interpersonal relations. It may also indicate illness and make you move freely.
  • Dreaming of other people's feet implies that you will defend your rights in a pleasant but firm way and win yourself a social status superior to the ordinary class.
  • Dreaming that you are washing your feet indicates that you will acquiesce in others to use you.
  • Dream of their own foot pain, indicating that there will be humiliating trouble, and will cause quarrels among family members.
  • Dreaming of kicking others' feet indicates that you will be humiliated, suggesting that your actions may touch the foundation of others, so you will encounter strong opposition. At the same time, I remind you to think twice before you act. Don't act rashly or recklessly.