Dream of a goose


From the perspective of psychological dream interpretation, goose symbolizes vigilance and love. Like swan, it also symbolizes dawn and new life. A flock of geese is seen as a warning of misfortune; The wild goose represents the soul and your heretical side.

Dreaming of a goose indicates that the marriage life will be very happy and loyal, and will soon travel, which is a good omen.

Dreaming of a goose running indicates that you will have an unexpected trip in the near future. You will be very happy on the way. I suggest you release it as much as you like.

I dreamed that there were geese in the pool. My luck was good and my health was very good. It was all due to my constant exercise every day.

Dream of killing chickens, geese and ducks.

Dream of trampling the goose to death. Be kind when dealing with people. Don't be quick and lose your temper even in case of disagreement, otherwise the previously established image will disappear; Boiling lotus seed soup can reduce your anger and make your temper less irritable.

Dreaming of geese moving freely on the grass indicates that you expect to achieve good results in your career.

Dream that the goose is dead. If you go out, especially for a short trip, you are often prone to unexpected trouble.

Dreaming of being bitten by a goose is a good omen, which indicates that life will be happy.

Dream of picking up goose eggs, recent luck will be very good, if you can care more about others, good luck will always cry for a long time.

Different people dream of geese

Unmarried people dream of geese, which means you will get married soon.

A man dreams of a goose, suggesting that something good will happen to you recently.

A woman dreams of a goose, which indicates that you can't make fun of others at will, so as to avoid misfortune from the mouth.

Entrepreneurs dream of geese, good omens, indicating that you will have a lot of money recently.

Pregnant women dream of being bitten by a goose, which shows the health of you and your children.

Businessmen dream of being bitten by a goose, suggesting that you can invest in real estate, which will bring you a lot of profits.

A man's dream of being bitten by a goose shows that you are rich now, but you need to pay attention not to waste, so as not to lose your wealth.

People in love dream of being bitten by a goose, suggesting that you will have a good development in love and marriage.

A woman's dream of being bitten by a goose shows that you are now very smooth and live a happy life.

Job seekers dream of picking up goose eggs, which indicates that you will have good luck recently. As long as you care about others more, your good luck will always be with you.

White collar workers dream of picking up goose eggs, suggesting that your current work is under great pressure. You are too strict with yourself and need to relax yourself.

Retirees dream of picking up goose eggs, which shows that some of the troubles you have encountered recently are self inflicted.

Businessmen dream of picking up goose eggs, which indicates that your wealth is coming soon.