Dream of a judge


  • Dream of meeting a judge, family members will have a quarrel, or spend a lot of money to fight a lawsuit.
  • I dreamed that I had become a judge and wanted to be in a high position.
  • I dreamed that I would be punished by law if I was submitted to the court for a crime.
  • I dreamed that the judge was excited and wanted to continue his ancestral heritage.
  • I dreamed that when the judge sentenced the criminal, he would be promoted and paid more.

Psychological interpretation of dreams and interpretation of dreaming judges

The judge in the dream is a symbol of solving a lawsuit or a thorny problem. If you dream of a judge, it shows that you may encounter a lawsuit in recent times; If the judge is fair and honest, it indicates that your lawsuit will come to a successful conclusion; If the judge is biased and unfair, it means that your lawsuit is not easy to fight. No matter what kind of judge you dream of, you don't have to worry. Those mean what people add to the judge.