Dream of lizards


Dream of lizards, indicating the enemy's attack on you.

  • Men dream of lizards, which may indicate that your property is being peeped by bad people. Beware of villains.
  • Women dream of lizards. Pay attention to health and hygiene, which indicates that you may suffer from gynecological diseases.
  • Dreaming of a dead lizard is a good thing, indicating that your troubles and difficulties will be the past.
  • Dreaming of a lizard that has been killed but is still climbing means that you will recover and be strong.
  • Dreaming of killing a lizard indicates that you will regain your lost reputation or wealth.
  • If you dream that the lizard has successfully escaped, it indicates that you will suffer trouble and torture in love or career.
  • Dream of stepping on a dead lizard, or a lizard falling from a high place on the roof, indicating that he and his family may encounter disaster or bad luck.
  • A woman dreams of a lizard climbing on her skirt or scratching her, which means she will encounter misfortune and be very sad. Her husband will become the target of disease. It is possible that she will become a widow and live alone in this world. It will be difficult to make a living without labor.
  • Dream of lizards crawling, action will make mistakes. Perhaps it is a mistake to bring all the textbooks wrong because of the wrong day of the week, or to add salt to coffee, and so on.