Dream of maggots


Maggots are the larvae of flies. They are disgusting insects. They eat garbage or feces, so they also represent good fortune in their dreams.

  • Dream of maggots, auspicious, indicates that the dreamer will get rich or gain benefits.
  • There are not many maggots in your dream. If you have a few, you have some small money to get recently.
  • Dream of maggots all over your eyes, which is a sign of increasing interests and property, and making your career and family colorful.
  • Dream of dead bodies and maggots, you get great profits and may make a lot of money.
  • Dreaming of eating maggots indicates good health, smooth and happy life.
  • The staff dreamed of many maggots. Their career would develop well and make money or gain benefits.

Psychological interpretation of dreams and the interpretation of maggots in dreams

Maggots represent your view of death in your dreams. Maggots represent unclean parts of the body or a feeling that they will devour. In addition, it can also express abnormal thoughts or feelings in your heart. Maggots in dreams symbolize your fear of death and disease on a spiritual level.