Dream of onion

Onion is the master of privacy. Everything about onion will choke people to tears, symbolizing that there will be a fierce reaction to inquire about other people's privacy.

  • Dreaming of onions means that privacy is blatant, suffering mental and physical torture, and bearing economic losses.
  • Dreaming of cooking with scallions is a harbinger of family illness.
  • Dreaming of eating onions means that you are in a happy mood and everything goes well.
  • Dream of selling onions is a harbinger of strong business.
  • Dream of eating onions and leeks, there will be a dispute recently.

Different dream of onion

  • Businessmen dream of onions, in a dilemma, waiting for the next spring to start again.
  • People in love dream of onions. Communication and marriage can be achieved in many ways.
  • People in benmingnian dream of onions. If they insist on what they have seen, they will lose if they are stubborn and strong.
  • Pregnant people dream of onion, have a daughter and take care of it.