Dream of tangerinr

  • It's hard to get lucky when you dream of a ripe orange.
  • Dreaming of raw oranges is an ominous sign and will get sick.
  • Dream of giving others ripe oranges, will be praised.
  • Dream of peeling or squeezing orange juice, business can make great profits.
  • Dream of picking oranges, there may be mysterious phenomena around you, such as seeing UFOs and so on.
  • Dream of fruitful oranges, love fortune is gradually rising, and sweet love makes you smile and look bright. Might as well strike while the iron is hot, take advantage of the weekend to go to the seaside for vacation, enjoy the romantic world of two people, and make the relationship heat up sharply.

Different people dream of oranges:

  • A married man dreams of buying oranges. After his living wife dies, he will marry a young girl or marry a beautiful woman.
  • When an unmarried man dreams of buying oranges, he is lucky enough to marry a graceful and healthy girl.
  • The unmarried woman dreamed of ripe oranges and became famous.
  • The clerk dreamed of picking oranges. The owner had bad luck recently.
  • The staff dreamed of fruitful oranges. Their fortunes fell. They didn't have the strength to make money. They spent more freely. Investment is vulnerable to grapevine news.
  • Young people dream of fruitful oranges. Their health is good and bad. Sometimes they are prone to fatigue due to excessive tension. At this time, what you need is enough sleep. In addition, we should also avoid irregular life due to work, or even overeating. At the same time, we should pay attention to the occurrence of seasonal allergies, but sudden diseases can be cured quickly.