Dream of peanuts


  • Dream of peanuts, on behalf of happiness, because peanuts represent convergence and non publicity.
  • Dream of eating peanuts, will make a fortune through hidden means.
  • Dreaming of eating rotten peanuts means that you will have to rely on others for charity.
  • Dreaming of losing peanuts means that business is not going well.
  • Dream of eating peanuts secretly, which indicates that you will make great progress in your work. You should seize the opportunity and be appreciated by your superior leaders.
  • Dreaming of losing peanuts means that business is not going well and you will miss a lot of big orders. Your partner will be robbed by your competitors.
  • Dreaming of picking up peanuts indicates that good news will come recently, which is a good omen.
  • Dreaming that you are picking up peanuts is often regarded as a good omen of good luck, which indicates that you will have good luck in the near future, or all kinds of things you currently encounter will be solved smoothly, and you will be able to win the final victory smoothly.
  • Dreaming of flowers growing and maturing indicates that you are in good luck recently and will live a happy life. It is a good omen.
  • Dreaming of a big peanut indicates that the troubles in love will be solved recently, and all the pimples in their hearts will be eliminated. It is a good omen that they can further develop love and live a happy life.
  • Dream of planting peanuts, there will be good luck.
  • Dream of picking peanuts, life will be happy.

Different people dream of peanuts

  • The patient dreams of peanuts, which means that the body will recover.
  • Pregnant women dream that eating peanuts will give birth to a son.
  • Businessmen dream of eating peanuts, which indicates that you will get rich through hidden means in the near future, and you also accept your current personality and tend to be calm and introverted, which is very helpful for your business development.
  • Businessmen dream of picking up peanuts, which indicates good fortune and will find good projects to make money. It is a good omen to seize the opportunity.
  • Singles dream of picking up peanuts, which indicates that they will soon find their favorite object, or hope to get rid of being single. It is suggested that you should seize the opportunity of every party or play, and you are likely to meet the ideal object.
  • Married people dream of picking up peanuts, which indicates that they will soon be pregnant, life will be happier and happier, and there will be a great chance of having a son in the future.
  • The merchant dreamed of growing peanuts and making a fortune in business.
  • The patient dreamed of planting peanuts and his body would soon recover.
  • Men dream of picking peanuts, which indicates that they will be successful and healthy.
  • Businessmen dream that picking peanuts will soon have a good project to make money.
  • Women dream of picking peanuts, which is a sign of pregnancy.
  • The old man dreamed of picking peanuts. He said that although he would have some small problems, he was still very strong on the whole.
  • Pregnant women dream of peanuts, which indicates that you will have a son in the future, and the baby will grow up healthily and get happiness in the future.
  • Pregnant women dream of eating peanuts, which indicates that the baby in your stomach is a boy.
  • Pregnant women dream of collecting peanuts, which indicates that their children and their bodies are very healthy.
  • Pregnant women dream of picking up peanuts, which indicates a good dream and a son.
  • Pregnant women dream of picking peanuts, which indicates that they will have a boy and the baby will grow healthily.
  • Pregnant women dream of a lot of peanuts, which indicates that they will have a harvest and give birth to boys.