Dream of a doll

Dreaming of a doll means that you will have good luck in the near future. Maybe you get what you always want.

Dream of a doll before marriage, which means you will love. It's not easy to walk together in a white dress. Cherish it.

Dream of a doll before you go out, which means you will have a good opportunity to meet a good person, maybe your other half. This is a harvest when you travel.

Dream that the doll is broken, indicating that the child or family will have misfortune.

Dream of friends giving dolls to themselves, will be recognized by colleagues and bosses.

Dream of giving dolls to others, will make new friends, and will get the help of friends at the critical moment.

Dream of the doll being stolen, all troubles will be far away from themselves, and happy things will appear one after another.

Dream of talking dolls, thieves will patronize their homes, beware of people around them plotting against themselves.

Dream of blinking dolls, students will have poor grades and fall behind; Thieves will be arrested if they miss; Officials will be demoted or punished for their crimes.

Different people dream of cloth dolls

A married woman dreams of a doll and will have a boy.

The girl dreamed of a doll and would get married.

The man dreamed of a doll and his wife would give birth to a girl.

The patient dreamed of a doll, which means that your body is recovering well and your condition is also very good. There is no need to worry and pay attention to rest.

The staff dream of a doll, which means that you will make achievements in your career. It is a good omen. Continue to work hard and make persistent efforts.

Pregnant women dream of cloth dolls, which indicates that you will have a lovely daughter. It is the joy of the family and your little cotton padded jacket.