Dream of scandal

Dream of scandal, if it appears in life, it will be a very humiliating and ugly thing, but if it appears in a dream, it is a sign of good luck.

Dream that you have made a scandal, which means that you are about to rise in popularity, business people have a sign of making a fortune, and officials have a good chance of promotion.

Dream that a friend has made a scandal, which indicates that you can get a promotion in your work, and your ability in work will be appreciated by the leaders and your position will rise.

Dream of being slandered by others, will be famous and prosperous.

Dream that the enemy has a scandal and the enemy will surrender to himself.

Dream of friends being accused, will soon be in a high position.

Different people dream of scandal

Young people dream of scandals, which indicates that there will be unexpected gains in life. What they don't have may be obtained unexpectedly.

Businessmen dream of scandals, which indicates that you will find partners and the business will expand again.

Unmarried men dream that they have made a scandal, which means that you are very lucky. There will be a person with high status and good family around you to show love to you.

Young women dream that they have made a scandal, suggesting that you are a very popular and popular person. There will be many heterosexuals in your circle who love you and want to pursue you.

A woman's dream of being criticized means purity.

The young man dreamed of losing face. The high family would come to the door and propose.

A man's dream of his wife's bad conduct is an ominous omen, and husband and wife will feel discord.