Dream of socks


Dreaming of socks indicates that your family will have a happy event and make new friends in the near future.

Dream of wearing socks, omen to get sick, pay attention to physical health and have a proper rest in the near future.

Dream of buying socks and going on a trip soon.

Dream of giving socks to others and making new friends.

Dream of getting socks from others, you will be worried.

Dream of socks lost, the danger of property will be eliminated.

Dreaming of wearing broken socks indicates good luck.

Dream of a hole in your socks, which indicates that your luck is bad in the near future. As long as you are in a bad mood, you will go shopping crazily and have some decline in money.

Different people dream of socks

Women dream that wearing socks can get the love of their husband or lover.

Men dream that they are wearing socks, which means that your income will increase and you will be promoted by noble people at work.

Businessmen dream of wearing broken socks, will be sick.

Travelers dream of wearing worn socks, the trip will be happy and smooth.

The shopkeeper dreamed that he could make a profit by wearing worn socks.

Pregnant women dream of socks, which indicates that you will make new friends in the near future, and new friends will help you.