Dream of the soul

Dreaming about the soul may be related to your recent life state and mental state.

  • Dreaming that your soul is separated from your body indicates that you may sacrifice yourself for worthless strategies, which will reduce your sense of honor, make you mercenary and lose compassion.
  • If an artist dreams that his soul is attached to others, it indicates that he can devote himself to work. Don't be sentimental, he will be famous.
  • Dreaming of someone else's soul attached to you indicates that you will be comforted because of a stranger who enters your life.
  • For a young female musician, she dreamed of seeing another young woman wearing a transparent robe on the stage, thinking that her soul was attached to her, indicating that she would be unmatched in a great cause.
  • Dream that you are discussing the immortality of the soul. It indicates that you will seize all opportunities in order to get the knowledge you desire and the happiness of communicating with wise people.