Dream of being bullied


  • Dream of being bullied, there will be partial wealth, and there will be little gain in career.
  • Dream of being bullied by classmates and making new friends.
  • Dreaming of bullying children means that you will let others blackmail you for benefits.
  • Dreaming of being bullied by your sister or brother means that a struggle is brewing between you. Maybe it's just for a little thing. You can invite your parents to preside over justice.
  • Dream of being bullied by others, fight back violently, and group activities are good. If you participate in cultural activities, you may be able to serve as the editor in chief of the group's publications, and the members' trust in you will also be improved.

Different people dream of being bullied

  • Employees dream of being bullied, their wealth is declining, their income is likely to decrease, they are prone to large expenses, they are out of control about the budget, it is more appropriate to shop according to their ability, and saving is the best magic weapon to keep a home.
  • Office workers dream of being bullied and will encounter small setbacks at work, which makes you doubt your ability. Colleagues or friends will give you good advice and help.
  • Graduates dream of being bullied and their luck in job hunting fluctuates. For a time, they are too active and consume energy. For a time, they are easy to be attacked by small sections. You might as well relax. The so-called ship goes straight to the bridge.
  • Students dream of being bullied by others and average test scores.
  • The clerk dreamed of being bullied by others, and his fortune was average.