Dream of happiness

Happiness in the dream and sorrow outside the dream. The bounden duty of life is suffering. Happiness is the escape from suffering, that is, it deviates from its bounden duty. So dreaming of your happiness means that your life deviates from the direction and will be tortured by sorrow.

Dreaming of happiness means that you will be troubled by sorrow.

Dreaming of happy relatives means that excessive words and deeds of relatives and friends will lead to estrangement at home.

Dreaming that strangers are very happy indicates that you will be happy and smooth.

Dream that the enemy is very happy, or your own misfortune, the enemy gloats, indicating that you will receive good news and the enemy will suffer setbacks.

Different people dream of happiness

The old man dreamed that he was very happy, suggesting that you have been overdrawn recently and may be ill. You should pay attention to rest.

Sick men dream that they are happy and strong.

The soldier dreamed that he was very happy and would be a prisoner.