Dream of buying fish


  • Dream of buying fish, will inherit other people's property.
  • Dreaming of others buying fish indicates that they will inherit other people's property.
  • Dream of helping others buy fish, indicating that others have good luck.
  • Dream of helping single female friends buy fish, indicating that friends will have new feelings.
  • Dream of buying fish to eat, indicating that there are fish to eat, indicating that good luck will come in life. Pregnant women have this dream, which mostly indicates that their mother and son are safe and healthy.

Different people dream of buying fish

  • Office workers dream of buying fish. They are full of energy. Although they are busy, the busier they are, the more energetic they are. Good cooperation and interaction with colleagues and harmonious interpersonal relationship. In addition, expressing your views boldly is very helpful to solve the problem.
  • People preparing for the exam dream of buying fish. Their work fortune is weak and they are more bound by all kinds of constraints.
  • Pregnant women dream of buying black fish, which also indicates that they will have a son.
  • Pregnant women dream of buying carp, which indicates that they will give birth to a talented, beautiful and intelligent daughter in the future.
  • Pregnant women dream of buying ornamental fish, which indicates that they will have a beautiful and lovely child.
  • Pregnant women dream of helping married female friends buy fish, indicating that their friends will be pregnant soon.