Dream dictionary

Dictionaries are bad luck. Dictionaries and encyclopedias are tools that can help people understand the outside world, but there is no way to make people better understand themselves.

  • Dreaming of a dictionary means that you have too much curiosity and will be tortured by sadness and difficulties. This is because your life deviates from your heart, doing reluctant things and living less and less like yourself.
  • Dreaming of the lost dictionary means that in the face of difficulties, their partners will abandon themselves and should choose friends carefully.
  • Dream of finding a dictionary means that you will suffer bad luck. Instead of obeying the guidance of others, you'd better go your own way and do what you want to do most.
  • Dreaming of dictionaries and encyclopedias shows that the dreamer always hopes to better understand the world, but he must avoid missing the joy of life because of too much curiosity and too fond of exploration, or he may fall into poverty.
  • Dream of many dictionaries, which means that you still want to listen to everyone's views on you in the near future, so when everyone discusses, you will prefer to lead the topic to you, so you will become the center of the topic.
  • Dream of a foreign language dictionary, indicating that you are well expanding your social scope recently, hoping to know more people and give you more help.
  • Dream of many dictionaries, which means that when you meet a friend you haven't seen for a long time in the street, you will be very happy. When talking to each other about the latest situation, remember to leave contact information to each other. After buying many things in the mall recently, I have the opportunity to participate in some lucky draw activities and win gifts.
  • Dream of finding a dictionary shows that you should strive to develop and cultivate a very independent spirit. Don't always listen to other people's advice.

Different people dream of a dictionary

  • Adults dream of looking up a dictionary, which means that you usually lack your own ideas in doing things, often rely on others, and have a very disciplined and dare not violate attitude, some lack flexibility.
  • Businessmen dream of buying a dictionary, which means that your perceptual ability today is quite sharp. People can't escape your eyes by playing a little tricks on you, but it's also a good ability to see through and don't say it.
  • Students dream of looking up the dictionary, which means that the dreamer has a very serious attitude towards learning and will study hard, so that they can get good test results.
  • Married people dream of buying a dictionary, which shows that things they have never been able to understand before, but now they have a feeling of instant enlightenment. After you want to open many things, your psychology is no longer uncomfortable.
  • Readers dream of buying a dictionary, which means that their luck is quite good during this period, which is very suitable for studying hard. Their interest in this aspect will also increase greatly and have enough motivation.