Dream of being shot

  • Dreaming of being shot indicates that you are vulnerable to the environment.
  • Dreaming of being shot in your body indicates that you are vulnerable to the influence of the environment.
  • I dreamed that my body was hit by a pistol bullet and would soon get married or attend a close relative's wedding.
  • Dream of someone shooting at himself, but not injured, will be charged with a crime, but will be released due to insufficient evidence. If you really feel the part of the gun in your dream, it may be a reflection of physical discomfort.
  • Dreaming of being shot in the back indicates that your luck is not very good in the near future. You are prone to thieves. Be careful when you go out.

Dream of different people

  • Leaders dream that they have been shot, suggesting that there will be some money in the near future, but these assets often come from gray income, so they should be careful.
  • Businessmen dream that they have been shot and how difficult it is to make a fortune. It is suggested not to invest heavily in the near future, otherwise they will lose money.
  • Lovers dream that they have been shot, which shows that the emotional foundation of you and your lover is stable, and the work and life of both sides have been stable, and there are no major economic problems. Marriage can be achieved this autumn.
  • Office workers dream that they have been shot, which indicates that their recent fortune is flat and there are many obstacles to doing things. In serious cases, we should also be careful to prevent the disaster of official talisman or prison. This dream also reminds dreamers to pay less attention to their friends and be careful to set themselves on fire.