Dreaming of Giving Birth to Children


Generally speaking, most dreams of having children are auspicious. Whether they dream of having children themselves or others, it indicates that the dreamer will achieve what he wants and have wealth. The following is Duke Zhou's interpretation of the dream of giving birth to a child:

  • Dream that he has given birth to a boy, Jimeng, which indicates that the dreamer's life will be happy and comfortable.
  • A woman dreams that she will have a boy, which means that the dreamer will live a happy and comfortable life.
  • Dream of a big belly and have a baby: it indicates that the dreamer's interpersonal relationship will rise in the near future. You can communicate boldly and actively with anyone, and the people around you must be honest with you, and there will never be conflict.
  • Pregnant women dream of having children, which is an auspicious sign. It shows that you and your family are very looking forward to your baby. In addition, it also indicates that your baby will grow up healthily.
  • Pregnant women dream of other girls, which indicates that pregnant women have expectations for the gender of the fetus and want to have a daughter.
  • Pregnant women dream that others have a boy, which is a reverse dream, indicating that others may not be pregnant or have a daughter.
  • Pregnant women dream that others have twins, which indicates how eager pregnant women are for twins.
  • Pregnant women dream of others giving birth to dragon and Phoenix fetuses, which indicates that their baby will grow healthily; At the same time, it also implies that pregnant women also want to have a pair of dragon and Phoenix fetuses, and often guess the gender of the baby in their belly and imagine the baby's appearance when she grows up.
  • Pregnant women dream that their friends have children, which indicates that their friends will have good luck in the near future.
  • If a pregnant woman dreams of a married friend having children, it indicates that the person will be pregnant.
  • Dreaming of unmarried women having children indicates that this person will have new feelings.
  • Pregnant women dream that their families have children, which means that family life will be more harmonious and happier.

Psychological interpretation of dreams and the interpretation of dreams of giving birth to children

  • Scholars dream of having a big belly, and having children makes academic achievements: help and learn from each other, and learn from each other's strengths.
  • Unmarried people dream of their big belly and have children, which indicates that they are delicate in love and can feel the needs of lovers.
  • Investors dream of having children, auspicious dream, which indicates that the dreamer has good fortune in the near future. The idea of trying hard to make money makes him make a lot of profits, and the sense of frugality is also returning.
  • Dream of having a baby, very cute: achieve a big wish. He said that the wishes of the past few years will be realized. However, this dream must not be told to others. Proudly tell others that luck will disappear.
  • Dream of having a child is very beautiful: there will be happy contingencies.
  • Working people dream that they will work when they have children: the working state is good, they work hard to achieve any goal, the efficiency is quite high, and it is also possible to work overtime.
  • Unmarried women dream of having their own children. If you are talking about friends and dream of having their own children or twins, you may break up with your boyfriend& ldquo; Have children & rdquo; It means that you are reborn and a new self. This is not only the analysis of dreams, but also the role of your subconscious mind.
  • Married women dream of having children: This shows that you are dissatisfied with the current situation and desire to be concerned. It also symbolizes that you have a new self and new development opportunities. Of course, maybe you really want a child.
  • Dream of others having children: in fact, it means almost the same as dreaming of their own children. It also represents a new desire and a new life. In your dream, you just arrange this thing for others. In fact, most of the time, you dream about yourself.