Dream of rockets

  • Dreaming of rockets indicates that life will be smooth.
  • Dream of rocket launch, indicating that your financial fortune is good and prosperous. This dream indicates that you will earn a lot of money, but spend a lot of money.
  • Dream of a rocket taking off, indicating that your business is booming. This dream means that you are a passing God of wealth. Money comes and goes quickly.
  • Dream of rocket exhibition, earn only enough to live every day.
  • Dream of selling rockets, bad luck will come.
  • Dream that making rockets can conquer the enemy.
  • Dream of riding rockets, children and women will travel.

Different people dream of rockets

  • Men dream of rockets and will be promoted to baron.
  • The woman dreamed of a rocket and a wedding at home.
  • The crew dreamed of rockets, and the voyage would be successful.
  • Young people dream of riding rockets and still feel energetic, but their emotions are easy to be too excited. If they are not well controlled, they are often prone to excessive physical exertion, headache or dizziness.
  • The old man dreamed that he was in a difficult and dangerous environment by taking a rocket. As long as he dealt with it with a submissive attitude, he could get peace. Be modest and patient and wait for the favorable opportunity to come. Advance is unfavorable, retreat is auspicious.
  • People who go to school dream of rockets, which means that poor liberal arts scores affect admission scores.
  • Businessmen dream of rockets, which means it's difficult at first, and then get help smoothly.
  • People in love dream of rockets, which means that as long as they are strong and insist on seeing, marriage can be achieved.
  • Pregnant people dream of rockets, which indicates that they have daughters and more maintenance of the mother.
  • Travelers dream of rockets and suggest that they go back and forth smoothly and do not stay elsewhere.
  • People in benmingnian dream of rockets, which means they should have confidence in doing things. There are twists and turns in autumn, which can also be resolved.