Dream of a witch

The image of witches has two meanings: one is the priestess, and the other is that they are regarded as full of malice. The latter is especially spread by children's writers.

The former represents inner intelligence, growth and recovery. The latter kind of witch represents destructive subconscious power.

If a witch appears in a man's dream, it symbolizes the negative side of his anima, that is, the bad female element in a man's personality. When a good witch appears in a dream, she is often willing to help you realize your wish with her witchcraft. If you make a request in a dream and she accepts it, it is a good symbol. The latter kind of witch is the common evil witch in fairy tales. She symbolizes the danger in your subconscious mind.

In women, it sometimes symbolizes a sexual desire to abuse and be abused. Some people who dream of such witches will have some supernatural manifestations, such as some special functions or abilities, or at least be regarded as mysterious and intuitive. However, these people should not develop or indulge their abilities, otherwise they are likely to be possessed. This kind of person should not practice qigong, otherwise it is very easy to deviate, or the more he practices, the more he looks like a witch and divine man.

In fairy tales, when you encounter this evil witch, you should escape quickly. Similarly, if you dream of such a witch, you should remind yourself not to indulge in intuition, qigong and supernatural. You should live a normal and ordinary life, otherwise it is dangerous.