Dream of pigeons

Dreaming of pigeons is usually auspicious.

A man dreams of a pigeon lying in a comfortable and comfortable life.

Married women dream of pigeons, will soon be pregnant, can give birth to a beautiful boy.

Dream of wild pigeons, can get rich.

Dream of raising pigeons, rich income, the family's population will increase.

Dream of flying pigeons, will be in trouble.

Dream of pigeons in the cage, can get hidden treasure.

Dream of shooting pigeons with a gun, sorrow will die.

Dream of cat biting pigeon, disaster will come.

Dream of dead pigeons, want to spend money.

Dream of a lot of pigeons, there will be life and death friends.

Dream of sending pigeons to others, will be famous all over the world.

Dream of pigeons, happy marriage, will get countless money.

Gamblers dream that pigeons can win a lot of money.

Dream pigeon was killed, is a bad omen, wife (or husband) to die.

Dream of pigeons flying away from their hands, his wife will leave him.