Dream of mom

Dream of mother, mother, indicates that the mother's health, if there is a disease will soon recover.

Dream of the late mother, will live a long life.

Dream of living mother died, will get mother's blessing and praise.

The patient dreamed that his mother would hold him in her arms, all the pain would be eliminated, and the family would be happy and peaceful.

When the bus or train starts, mother waves herself to come down. This is a dream to warn us to stop what we are doing or planning.

Dream of his mother becoming a bride, wearing a wedding dress or Hanfu wedding, this is a hint that the mother is facing great danger, is a warning may be seriously ill or death of the dream.

Dream that your mother's face is terrifying to chase you or pinch your neck. This is a dream that reflects your subconsciousness. In real life, you have a great sense of guilt towards your mother, so you have such a dream.

Dream mother angry take you out or scold you, this is to tell you may appear in unconscious big flash dream.

When I wake up in my dream, I see my mother standing by the bed and looking at her face. This is a dream that suggests that something bad has happened to my mother, or that I am in danger.

Dream of worried, emotional mother, this is a hint of your future appear unlucky luck.

It's a dream that tells you in advance that you're going to be in danger.

Dream of their own mother to take care of many children, indicating that their ability is not recognized, frustration arises spontaneously, or become the talk of others, or involved in the dream of right and wrong.

Dream of mother to become a baby you breast feeding, there will be a good helper to help you.

But if you feel unhappy in a dream, it's not a good dream.

Dream of becoming a baby, but the mother is looking after other people's baby, this is a hint to promote things, unknowingly complete the good things of others.

That is to say, the achievement that oneself pays the greatest effort to obtain actually became other people's plate Chinese meal.

Dream that he became a child to his mother coquetry, this is implied in the quagmire of the dream.