Dream of father

The dream father is a symbol of authority, legal designator and wisdom, representing power, power or domination. Dreaming of your father may indicate that you are eager to get some help. In the west, according to Freud, dreaming of father usually has sexual meaning. Men dream of their father and feel very afraid in their dreams, which may indicate a lack of sexual security; A woman's dream of a loving and attractive father may imply a subconsciously suppressed desire for incest, or a potential sexual desire aroused by a male friend's father like temperament.

Parents are also symbols of social order and morality. If you feel good with your parents in your dream, it means you follow these rules. If you feel that your parents have a bad relationship and have obvious resistance, you have a sense of resistance to these norms in your heart. They may make you feel depressed and bound.

  • Dreaming of your father standing in front of you to stop you means authority or pressure. Maybe you should overcome it and work harder to cultivate your independent point of view.
  • Adults or young people dream of their father, which indicates that they may encounter difficulties in work, study and life and need help.
  • Dreaming of a dead father, in addition to indicating that you may be under great pressure in your career, you may also be reminding you to pay attention to your physical health and pay attention to your physical and mental state.
  • If you talk and laugh with your parents in your dreams, you may have conflicts with your parents in reality. You should control your emotions, understand your parents and promote communication.
  • Dreaming of arguing with your father shows your dissatisfaction with the existing moral constraints or strong resistance.
  • Dreaming that you were scolded by your father is warning you that you may get sick and injured, reminding you to pay attention to your health, especially be careful to prevent accidents.
  • If an unmarried woman dreams of her father and feels close to her father in her dream, it may indicate that you will meet your favorite boy in the near future and have a warm vision for love. But if the dream makes you feel very dangerous, or the dream is accompanied by your strong desire, it indicates that you may agree to the invitation of men who usually don't care.
  • When a young woman dreams of her dead father, she may be reminding you that your current boyfriend may be cheating you. Be careful.
  • Dreaming of your parents' divorce indicates that you may encounter setbacks in communicating with your friends. Maybe your careless words have caused misunderstandings among your friends. If you want to leave you, you might as well find a friend to explain.
  • Dreaming of the illness or death of your father or mother indicates that your career or status will encounter difficulties.
  • Dream that your parents are going to travel, go out or say goodbye to your family and wave. This is a sign of changes or death soon. If your parents are ill, be careful.
  • Dreaming of going out or traveling with their parents indicates that the family may suffer losses, lose money or get into trouble.
  • Dream of dead parents leading cattle into the mountains, or disappearing in the distance, indicating that the life situation will further deteriorate, someone will get sick or get worse, pregnant women will have a miscarriage, and all things will only develop negatively.
  • Dream of your dead parents smiling at you, which indicates that you will have a happy event.
  • Hearing the news of my father's death in my dream is a sign of good news, but in fact, I may hear an obituary.
  • Dream that the dead parents are on their way, or they are taken away by them, indicating that there will be sudden changes or diseases, causing property losses, or encounter changes and life-threatening.
  • Dream of dead parents living with themselves as they were alive, which indicates that the dreamer may encounter great unfortunate accidents, dangers and even death.
  • Dream of leaving your parents, a symbol of starting an independent life, indicates that there will be great progress in love. If there is someone you like, you might as well start to express yourself without hesitation.
  • Dreaming of being a father indicates that you are successful in your career.