Dream of Prince and princess


Generally, the prince and princess in the dream represent themselves or brothers and sisters, while the king and queen in the dream represent your parents.

Dreaming of a prince or princess symbolizes these days. You may quarrel with well intentioned people, but it will not affect your relationship.

Dream of being summoned by the prince or prince, suggesting that there will be a happy event in your family in the near future. You may be able to advance to an important position, show your abilities and talents to the world, win everyone's envy and prosper.

Dreaming of Prince Charming means that the dreamer has a very lack of love, and there may be the possibility of promiscuity.

Dreaming of a princess means that the dreamer may have a bad quarrel with some people with good intentions.

Different people dream of princes and princesses

Boys dream of princes, which means you want to be a real man.

The girl dreamed of prince charming, who was about to make a boyfriend, but she must not be the kind of person who is satisfied with her or can live a lifetime.

Married women dream of prince charming, family relations will be in crisis, there will be a risk of divorce with their husband, and the possibility of having an affair is more than 60%.

Unmarried women dream of prince charming, will break up with her boyfriend, and the marriage will be delayed indefinitely.

Business people dream of princes, princesses and witches, which shows that the dreamer's business is not running smoothly. We should strengthen the research and study, and then re transform the business.

Unmarried women dream of prince charming, which means that there is a bad crisis in the dreamer's love. Maybe they will break up with their boyfriend soon, and there may be an indefinite delay in the marriage date.

Dreaming of the princess marrying the prince shows that this is a very suitable day for parent-child communication and dialogue. Both sides have good communication and understanding, and disputes or unpleasant situations in the family have a good stability; If there are some important personal decisions that need to be asked for parents' understanding, they can be put forward recently. The same is true between lovers. Every love word can warm each other's heart. Only careful care for lovers can maintain love well.

Pregnant people dream that the princess is married to the prince, which indicates that the dreamer will give birth to a girl and a boy in winter. At ordinary times, we must pay attention to maintaining a good lifestyle and regular eating habits, and know how to take care of the health of ourselves and our baby.


Dream of prince charming wearing sunglasses and a suit. If you want your lover to dress up like this to date yourself, then in your subconscious mind, you may prefer someone older than yourself, who is mature, stable, calm, realistic and loving like a father and brother. This tendency may be because you were very attached to your father when you were a child, Or he lost his father's love since childhood, so he will like this kind of man and hope that the other party can provide him with protection and a sense of security.