Phase of mercury and Mars

Mercury and Mars are 0 degrees

This kind of person has a keen mind and rich spiritual ability, and also has the tendency to intervene others to become partners. This is a good prospect for becoming a reporter or investigator, and it is also necessary for those who use action to obtain information. Such people have positive thoughts. And they can correctly say the actions they decide to take, which is also decisive. They often show interest in politics and public speaking. Individuals have a tendency to like debate and will bring contradictory issues. They are competitive and like to show that they have more knowledge and intelligence, making people feel that they are superior. They are used to expressing their feelings violently and pointing out their concerns.

Mercury is at 60 degrees to Mars

This sextile can bring mental energy and rigorous thinking ability. The most important feature is their determination in character. This kind of people absolutely say that one is one and will not have ambiguities. They have clear plans for their own actions and are efficient and productive workers. Similarly, they tend to put their ideas into practice. In a word, this separated person has a strong ability to handle affairs and can handle everything properly.

Mercury is at 90 degrees to Mars

This quadrant can make people mentally active, full of vitality, and have the tendency of overreaction, irritability, belligerence and partisanship. This kind of people often get angry when they listen to people and respond to each other with malicious words. In order to overcome the shortcomings of this quadrant, such a person must be more patient, communicate with others carefully, and learn to be a good listener to clearly understand the views of others. They must bear in mind that their judgment is not absolutely correct. This phase separation will also bring about physical problems, nervous system problems.

Mercury is 120 degrees to Mars

This triune is full of energy in spirit. Because their minds have a high degree of tolerance and depth, they can engage in rigorous research work. The extent to which their potential can be realized depends on their skills in using their time. This kind of person has a certain sense of drama and authority in his way of communication and speaking, so he is very suitable for working as a broadcaster and commentator. Because they want to be the leaders of public opinion, these people often go into politics, law, or other professional fields that provide them with the opportunity to become opinion leaders.

Mercury is 180 degrees from Mars

This aspect makes people easy to conflict with others, which leads to verbal arguments. At this point, they should calmly think about the negative effects of the quarrel. This habit will make them unpopular. These people are picky, sharp, critical, and stubbornly use precise words and ideas. In addition, their frankness will make them too serious or do not understand each other's views at all. Their ideas are too subjective and self righteous. If someone criticizes their ideas, it will be like destroying their personality. Their desires and emotions often restrict rational thinking.