The phase of the sun and Jupiter

The sun is at 0 degrees to Jupiter

People with this aspect can achieve their goals through social influence. Their pleasant personality and generous and optimistic nature bring them good luck. Their positive attitude towards life enables them to take advantage of the advantages of the environment. Because of their care and enthusiasm for the public, they can often win the trust of the public and strive for the common goal. Their achievements are much greater than what individuals can do. Therefore, people with this aspect have the ability to promote the plan, and can accept the public's views and goals, and finally get everyone's support.

The sun is at 60 degrees to Jupiter

This sextile involves a person's optimistic nature and broad mindedness. Such people are usually the protected party in life, and serious injuries seldom happen to them. If the injury must come, there will always be a factor that will ease the degree of injury. They usually have the ability to find constructive ways to solve problems. Their actions can help others and themselves at the same time. Have the tendency of religious belief, and easily devote themselves to the pursuit of spirit and philosophy. Because of their optimistic nature and self-confidence, they never lose their goals in life and can always accomplish what they want to accomplish in their plans. This kind of heart is very kind and will lend a helping hand to those who need help or are less fortunate than them. As parents, their kindness and consideration for their families make them an important pillar of the family.

The sun is at 90 degrees to Jupiter

This kind of people will behave recklessly in their self-expression, which is the result of their wrong consideration. These people are eager to accomplish many goals in a short time, but they lack detailed plans and effective methods. Their self imagination will be somewhat unrealistic and exaggerated, so they will encounter setbacks when they try to expand the scope of self-expression. Such people should strictly guard against foolish optimism and improper direction of self-development. They will show unrestrained generosity and often lack clear motivation.

The sun is at 120 degrees to Jupiter

Their optimism and altruism win them confidence, and others are willing to cooperate with them, which means good luck and success will come with them. As long as everything is related to their basic happiness and safety, they will be protected, which makes them never completely despair or depressed, and they will not hesitate to give when helping others. Some people will leave the career they have been involved in and turn to pursue a life of contemplation in books or an ordinary life with close friends.

The sun is 180 degrees from Jupiter

The situation of this phase separation is that these people are too optimistic, and their affirmation of others is too much and unrealistic. They will easily promise, but have no way to fulfill their promises, which will damage their reputation. When communicating with people, they must maintain a down-to-earth state of mind as much as possible. They also need to be moderate in exaggerating their vain acts, words and deeds.