The phase of the moon and Jupiter

The moon is at 0 degrees to Jupiter

This aspect represents compassion and generosity. Those who have this aspect hope to bring good luck to others. They care about social welfare. If they take political action, they will get rich rewards. Because they are easy to be trusted by others, especially women, they can get cooperation and assistance from others. If this aspect is incomplete, it may cause waste and arrogance. Such people also tend to be greedy. If the aspect is good, this combination represents honesty, integrity and trading ability. The moon represents abundant energy supply, so people with this aspect of the moon often have a healthy body. These people may identify with religious and educational work. However, if the aspect is incomplete, it may cause arrogance.

The moon is at 60 degrees to Jupiter

This sextile has the characteristics of generosity and compassion for the weak. Whenever his family needs him, he can always help them out. For them, the money and all the resources used in the home are just one of the ways to keep the home beautiful, warm and auspicious forever. Contentment, optimism and a docile and lovely temperament are often the characteristics of such people, and they are also the main reasons for their success. Their integrity, honesty and sincere attitude towards others will also lead to business success. Because of their close relationship with their families, these people only travel when necessary. They have rich imagination. Especially when they have the cooperation of other aspects and unique mental abilities, they can bring them creativity and insight to explore all kinds of beautiful things in life.

The moon is at 90 degrees to Jupiter

This person who is separated from others will have excessive emotions. The most typical examples are mothers who indulge their children too much. They were somehow cheated out of money because they sympathized with the poor lives of others. Because they want their home to be luxurious and comfortable, they will act rashly and without restraint. Their will is easily shaken and they hesitate to do things. There is the possibility of overeating, which often leads to obesity. In particular, excessive endocrine in the body will make them weak. If the Star Palace fails to bring them courage, they are prone to the habit of laziness. If they are very rich, this aspect can bring a comfortable and luxurious life. Sometimes such people have exaggerated fantasies.

The moon is 120 degrees to Jupiter

This triune brings with it the qualities of altruism and devotion to religion. Because they have a generous and kind heart, they will try their best to help others at any time. At the same time, they also have unrestrained imagination. In order to maintain peace and happiness in their private lives, these people will contribute to their families, parents and relatives. This trait is influenced by cancer, which is controlled by the moon, and Jupiter further highlights its advantages.

The moon is 180 degrees from Jupiter

This opposite person will be manipulated by the excessive impulse of kindness. They lack judgment and distinction when they give love. The conflict with others is because they are cheated everywhere, or they promise too many things that cannot be realized. These people also have the tendency of laziness and self infatuation. Overeating can also lead to burnout or obesity, extravagance, waste, lack of order and disorder. These people often over identify with their past values and behavior patterns. They usually regard each other as a guarantee of security, which hinders their own progress and development.