Moon Saturn phase

The moon is at 0 degrees to Saturn

People of this aspect emotionally identify with material possessions and their memories. Their feelings are entangled in the memories of the past. They should shift their attention to constructive activities and goals, and do not linger on the memories of the past. The personality of this kind of people is a little gentle. Unless there are other factors in the astrology that are different from this tendency, they are prone to depression and lack of laughter in life. Among so many people, they are simply a wet blanket.

The moon is at 60 degrees to Saturn

This aspect represents the required patience and necessary practicality at work or at home. It also shows that a person's performance in this area is organized, honest and honest. They will always be able to handle their finances in an orderly manner. Because they are better suited to serve as senior executives than to play the role of creating a new century. Therefore, such people are the best candidates to play the defenders. It is unwise for them to rush into battle. Sometimes, the wealth and status of these people are inherited from their parents and grandparents. Although people with this combination have many excellent characteristics, if there are no other factors in the heavenly palace map to complement, their life will be ordinary and lack of brilliant glory, and they may suffer setbacks.

The moon is at 90 degrees to Saturn

This quadrant creates unpleasant and depressing living conditions. These people will hold bleak and pessimistic ideas about life and lack emotional activities. The relationship between them and their family or mother in their early years is likely to be greatly suppressed, and they dare not express their emotions for a long time. The long-term emotional pressure in their memory hinders them from pursuing their immediate happiness. Others will also leave him because of their unfriendly appearance. These people should force themselves to forget their past misfortunes and greet each day with enthusiasm and confidence. Only in this way can they have optimistic self expectations and encourage them to build confidence and make friends. This quadrant will make men do not know how to interact with women, because they will feel very shy and clumsy in front of the opposite sex, which usually leads to very bad results.

The moon is 120 degrees to Saturn

These people are very cautious and conservative. They are honest and have a strong understanding of general personnel physics; They have the ability to organize, and they can bear it silently when they have to sacrifice for long-range goals. They are smart and have unique skills in doing business. They attach great importance to personal honor and have a strong sense of responsibility, so they can enjoy their obligations and responsibilities.

The moon is 180 degrees from Saturn

This aspect symbolizes the close relationship that these people have no possibility to develop, or the frustration that they feel when they are restrained by their parents. In interpersonal relationships, these people have few emotional fluctuations and are also pessimistic. Sometimes, their formal and rigid behavior can be tiresome. They like to criticize people around them and deal with people according to their past experience. Naturally, they will feel even more disappointed. The life and self-expression of these people will be frustrated due to their parents' responsibilities or family responsibilities, whether due to specific or imagined factors. Financial problems can also hinder their lives. They may not make friends easily, or their families may not like their friends.