Evolution hides the truth. There are huge genetic differences between humans and chimpanzees

Are humans similar to chimpanzees? Molecular biology studies have pointed out that there are too many genetic differences between the two, so it is difficult to explain that human beings are evolved. The scholars revealed that the research on the genetic DNA similarity between human and chimpanzee carried out by evolutionists hides an amazing truth.

Thomas Seiler, Ph.D. in physics from the Technical University of Munich, Germany, delivered a speech on World Youth Day in 2016, revealing that evolutionists not only did not get evolutionary evidence from molecular biology, but found examples to illustrate the mistakes of evolutionary hypothesis.

Dr. seller said: & ldquo; Most of us have heard that the genetic similarity between chimpanzees and humans is 99%. In fact, those people didn't tell us that this result was not obtained by comparing all DNA, but only based on the test results of such a small proportion of 3% DNA. 97% of DNA gene code functions are unknown to us& rdquo;

There are huge genetic differences between humans and chimpanzees

Dr. seller stressed that according to the report on the analysis of the chromosome differences between chimpanzees and humans published in the authoritative academic journal Nature in 2010, only 40% of the Y chromosome components that determine the sex of life are the same, and the other 60% are different. So how can evolutionists conclude that people evolved from these animals based on such great differences?

Although Darwinists often say that human DNA is very similar to chimpanzees, there is only 1% difference. In fact, this statement itself is a one-sided statement. The claim of 1% DNA differences dates back to 1975. At that time, researchers used a previously screened chimpanzee DNA to cross with human DNA to speculate on similarity.

Jeffrey Tomkins and Jerry & bull, former director of the bioinformatics Department of the Genomics Institute (cugi) of Clemson University in the United States; After analyzing the research literature in 2012, Dr. Jerry Bergman pointed out: & ldquo; The similarity between human and chimpanzee genomes will not be higher than 87%, or even 81%& rdquo;

In other words, the genetic differences between humans and chimpanzees are huge, probably more than 19%, and the degree of difference can be as high as 30%. In particular, the Y chromosomes of men and male chimpanzees are very different, which is contrary to what evolutionists hope.

Genetic differences are obvious

According to David DeWitt, a biologist at Liberty University in Virginia, the difference between humans and chimpanzees is too great. The number of chromosomes, the structure and characteristics of chromosomes are different. For example, humans have 23 pairs (46 chromosomes), and the length of telomere DNA of chromosomes is 10K base pairs, while chimpanzees have 24 pairs (48 chromosomes), and their telomere DNA is 23K base pairs.

Moreover, the differences between the 4th, 9th and 12th pairs of chromosomes are so obvious that the evolutionists believe that & ldquo; Recombination of genetic material & rdquo; (remodeled)。& ldquo; Restructuring & rdquo; It is completely different from what evolutionists call gradual change, which means non evolution. In particular, the genetic material is quite different in terms of the Y chromosome that determines gender.

DeWitt added that these differences were removed from their research papers by evolution and not discussed in genetics.

1% research background

DeWitt said that the expression of the so-called similar percentage masks the fact that the specific difference in the huge amount of DNA, 1% means the difference of 3 million DNA base pairs. This involves different sequence characteristics of DNA genes, and various genetic related molecular biological information is covered up by a simple similarity term.

Surprisingly, even after decades of research and falsification, this rough hypothetical result obtained in 1975 was still published in the authoritative academic journal Science in 2012.

Svante P & auml; & auml; Bo, a geneticist at Max Planck Institut F & uuml; R Evolution & auml; re anthropology in Germany, once said: & ldquo; How to treat the differences between humans and chimpanzees is a political, social and cultural issue& rdquo;

These deep-seated problems in biological research have gone beyond academic scope. Report analysis: & ldquo; Perhaps the reason why evolutionists cling to the 1% myth is for political, social and cultural reasons. DNA comparison shows that humans and chimpanzees are very different in DNA. What is the purpose of evolutionists, in addition to denying the clear conclusions reflected by the comparative results& rdquo;