Dream of a broken finger


Dream of a broken finger: & ldquo; It's sunny after rain & rdquo;, All troubles and sorrows will be satisfactorily solved and happy days will be restored. They can also make up with their friends in the cold war, and the friendship between them will become more and more profound.

Dream of fingers being cut off: it implies that the dreamer will lose very precious things and have to bear hardships.

Dream of cutting off your fingers: it indicates that you will have a love fight and eventually become a winner.

Dream of finger bleeding: be vigilant, suggesting that hard-working money may be cheated.

Dream of biting your fingers: heterosexual sports will increase. At the same time, pay attention to traffic safety. Be vigilant when you go out. Don't be distracted. Dream of bleeding after biting off your fingers, indicating that property will be cheated away.

Different people dream of broken fingers

Migrant workers dream of broken fingers: it indicates that you will get more freedom at work. At first, you feel a little uncomfortable, but you can quickly adjust to the past and deal with problems easily.

Students dream of broken fingers: it indicates good academic performance.

Single men and women dream of broken fingers: it indicates that the love situation is still stable, but they are more sensitive when it comes to financial issues, and they may have disputes with their lovers.

Different people dream that their fingers are broken

Men dream that their fingers are broken: it indicates that your recent career is in a dilemma. The noble people who have been helping you leave you, and the career development will come to a standstill.

A woman dreams that her finger is broken: it indicates that you have trouble coming to the door recently. Remember to be careful of some rotten peach blossoms and don't be entangled by unintentional work.

Businessmen dream that their fingers are broken: it indicates that your recent business will be greatly hit, maybe you will lose a lot of money, and in serious cases, you will lose all your money.

Employees dream that their fingers are broken: it indicates that you will be dismissed due to mistakes in the near future. It's difficult to find the next job. It's better to be more careful at work.

Students dream that their fingers are broken: it indicates that your close classmates left you recently. Maybe they were forced to transfer to other schools because of the needs of their family.