Dream about insects

  • Dream of butterflies flying in the garden & mdash& mdash; Something happy will happen. Tired of reading at night, go out for a walk, inadvertently meet the ideal opposite sex in your heart, etc. Such things will happen.
  • Dream of being stung by a bee & mdash& mdash; Money fell sharply. Although I really want to date my lover, my pocket is empty and my movement will be limited.
  • Dream of sunny winds flying & mdash& mdash; Will have a very keen intuition.
  • Dream of catching locusts & mdash& mdash; Buying will be better. Maybe through the relationship between friends and father, you can buy very cheap goods. It's definitely worth buying more.
  • Dream that spiders are making webs & mdash& mdash; Ordinary good friends will become lovers. The other party is the same. This kind of love will develop smoothly.
  • Dream of fireflies flying & mdash& mdash; Relationships will be problematic. At this time, he is impetuous and always gets angry. He is prone to conflict with others. Pay attention to tolerance.
  • Dream of caterpillar crawling on the leaves & mdash& mdash; Behavioral mistakes will occur. Unconventional risk-taking and rash behavior should be avoided.
  • Dream of clams crawling & mdash& mdash; In love, there will be disputes and quarrels. Because of emotional infidelity, there will be a dispute with your lover.
  • Dream of fleas beating & mdash& mdash; Transportation is quite good. No matter whether you go out sooner or later, you can overtake the train or bus. You will meet acquaintances or favorite people on the bus, and you may pick up bags and so on. In short, there will be good things.
  • Dream of mosquitoes buzzing and flying & mdash& mdash; There is a possibility that exam luck will deteriorate.