Dream of pregnancy, pregnant women


Dream of pregnancy is a good thing, will add people to import, symbolizing the increase of wealth.

Men dream that their wife is pregnant, indicating that they will make an unexpected fortune.

Women dream that they are pregnant, indicating that their husband is about to make a fortune.

A woman dreams that a man is pregnant, which means that the man has taken the responsibility of supporting her life.

Dreaming of a pregnant woman indicates that the dreamer is going very smoothly and will have good luck in money.

Dreaming that her friend is pregnant indicates that she will be pregnant soon.

Psychological dream interpretation

It is generally believed that women who dream of pregnancy are pregnant or married women who want to have children. In fact, not necessarily. We find that many young girls or old people can achieve such dreams.

1. Young girls dream of pregnancy

A girl who has not fallen in love can dream of pregnancy. If the dream is happy, it means that you really want happy love. When you envy others at ordinary times, you have & ldquo; If only I could do the same & rdquo; The idea of, so it will be reflected in the dream; If the dream is distressed, you may have trouble recently.

Girls in love dream of pregnancy. Dream happiness indicates an increase in happiness. If they are worried about their pregnancy, they have to take a good look at their lifestyle.

2. Women dream of pregnancy

There is a woman who has been married for many years and has not been pregnant. She dreams that she is pregnant. This is & ldquo; Think every day, dream every night & rdquo; Full embodiment of. This is very normal. It is recommended that dreamers try to relax their energy, because being too nervous is also bad for pregnancy.

Generally, women with children dream of pregnancy. There are two solutions: one is that the family is very happy at present, and the other is just the opposite. It is likely that the husband is negligent of his wife. When his wife wants to go back to the period of newly married and cherish the happiness of newly married.

3. Men or old people dream of pregnancy

Their dreams may have something to do with having children in reality, but on the other hand, they will also convey some of their own wishes. For example, an elderly woman dreamed that she had a boy and was very happy. In real life, her daughter is preparing to have children in the hospital. This dream seems to be related to her daughter's birth, but it also expresses the dreamer's own wish.