Dream of wallet


  • Dream of wallet or wallet, handbag, handbag, which symbolizes personal identity, and workers' pressure and desire from money, status and so on.
  • Dreaming of an old wallet indicates a feeling of depression or nostalgia, suggesting that the dreamer feels the need to change his image, or has an attachment to the traditional life in the past.
  • Dreaming that you are embarrassed because of your shabby wallet means that you are very embarrassed by the recent tight economic situation.
  • Dream of a broken wallet or repair wallet, suggesting that it will lose money, or there is an oversight in business.
  • Dream of getting a wallet full of money from others, friends will be treacherous.
  • Dream that your boss will give you an empty wallet and you will be dismissed.
  • Dream of giving the enemy a wallet, will subdue the enemy.
  • Dream of giving a friend a wallet will open up a new business point.
  • Dream of stealing other people's wallets, will be respected by people.
  • I dreamed that I had lost my wallet and would buy a house and land soon.
  • Dream of forcibly robbing other people's wallets, will be prosperous.
  • Dreaming of no money in your wallet indicates that you can see a lot of profit points and choose carefully with your own judgment in investment in the near future.
  • Dreaming of your wallet falling into the water indicates that your life is getting better and better in the near future, which is very enviable.
  • Dream of finding your wallet indicates that you will gain something.

Different people dream of wallets

  • A man dreams that his wallet is broken, which indicates an accident. You may have economic losses, and your work is also wrong. Adjust your mentality and correct your work attitude in time.
  • Women dream that their wallet is broken, which means that bad luck will happen, they will be ripped off, or entangled by drunkards. It's better to go out less and live a quiet life at home.
  • When a woman dreams of an empty purse, she will love her husband more and her husband will love her more sincerely.
  • The staff dreamed of an empty wallet and their salary would be reduced.
  • The merchant dreamed of an empty purse, and the bad day was coming.
  • The girl dreamed of getting her lover's wallet full of money and becoming a partner soon.
  • The thief dreamed of a wallet full of money and would be punished.
  • The man dreamed of a bulging wallet and could succeed in all aspects.
  • Women dream of bulging wallets and betraying their husbands.
  • A woman dreams of taking someone else's wallet, and her husband won't like her.
  • A man dreams of giving his wife a bulging wallet and his wife will have a boy.