Dream of wallet

Dream of wallet, means that your plan is not considered, prone to some accidents

Dream of bulging purse, men dream of bulging purse, all aspects of success.

Women dream of bulging purse, will betray her husband.

Dream of a purse full of money, thieves dream of a purse full of money, to be punished.

When a woman dreams of an empty purse, she will love her husband more and her husband will love her more sincerely.

Staff dream of empty wallets and lower salaries.

Businessmen dream of empty wallets. Bad days are coming.

Dream of getting a wallet full of money from others, friends will be treacherous.

Dream of taking other people's purse, woman dream of taking other people's purse, husband will not like her.

Dream to get lovers full of money purse, girl dream to get lovers full of money purse, will soon become a partner.

Dream of the boss to give yourself an empty purse, will be dismissed.

It's auspicious to dream of giving someone a wallet.

Dream of giving his wife a bulging purse, his wife will give birth to a boy.

Dream to the enemy purse, will surrender the enemy.

Dream to a friend wallet, will open up a new business point.

Dream of stealing someone's wallet, will be respected by people.

Dream of lost wallet, will soon buy a house.

Dream of forcibly robbing other people's wallet, will be prosperous.

Dream of empty money box, business will lose money, money broke name destroyed.

Dream of the iron box full of money, means wealth, goals and aspirations can be achieved.