You would lose money because of wrong wallet color


1. Black Wallet

This is the most common color in wallets. It represents steadiness, convergence and depth. It has obvious wealth gathering effect and will not let people spend money arbitrarily. It is the preferred color for men to buy wallets. However, if your eight characters avoid black, you should not choose a black wallet, otherwise you can't keep your money, but it's easy to break your money.

2. Rose and pink wallets

These two colors have the function of flourishing peach blossom. Regular use can enhance their own peach blossom luck, which is more suitable for single women. However, these two colors have poor wealth gathering ability. People who want to save money had better not use them.

3. Brown and brown wallet

These two colors belong to the earth, and the earth generates gold, which will improve people's ability to keep and gather money. It is also the color with the highest utilization rate. Therefore, leather wallets on the market are mainly in these two colors.

4. Yellow Wallet

The Yellow five elements belong to the soil, which is very helpful to financial luck, can improve the luck of users, and is very beneficial to their career and financial luck. However, if the eight characters are taboo with yellow, don't use this color wallet.

5. White Wallet

Although the White Wallet looks pretty, from the perspective of Feng Shui, the white wallet is bad for wealth. The money in the user's hand is very fast. It is basically in the left hand and out the right hand. However, if the eight characters like to use white, the situation is just the opposite. The more you use a white wallet, the better your luck.

6. Red Wallet

Red represents red, which is the most profitable color, but it is easy to come and fast to go, and can't save any money. Others believe that red represents deficit, so they usually don't choose red wallet. In fact, this is a misunderstanding.

7. Blue Wallet

The blue five elements belong to water. You'd better not buy a wallet of this color, because the blue five elements belong to water. If you often use a wallet of this color, your money will flow away like water, which is very unfavorable to financial luck. However, if the eight characters like to use blue, it will be another collection theory.