Dream of shooting

  • Dreaming of shooting indicates that I hope there are things in my life that I can celebrate by shooting.
  • Dream of hearing someone shooting, which reflects the life of others around you. There are some big changes. I hope there are good things in life!
  • Dream of firecrackers, take care of your body, pay attention to sleep, and don't overwork.
  • Dream of setting off firecrackers, usually indicates that there will be good things.

Different people dream of shooting

  • Men dream of shooting, there will be the joy of promotion.
  • Unmarried men dream of shooting, which indicates the rise of love luck and will get the girl's heart.
  • Children dream of setting off fireworks and firecrackers. They will be smart and learn to make progress.
  • The patient dreamed of shooting, indicating that his condition was getting worse.
  • Married women dream of shooting, family happiness and harmony.
  • Businessmen dream of setting off firecrackers, indicating that they may not be able to save money recently, and there is a trend of loss of money.