I dream that I am always in a meeting

A meeting is an activity in which some collectives summarize and mobilize what they have done over a period of time. In my dream, the meeting symbolizes my care for my career and my hard work. Of course, there are a few people who are tired of meeting. They dream that meeting is only the embodiment of disgust.

Dreaming that you are always in a meeting indicates that your career is in a bottleneck.

Men dream that they are always in a meeting, which means that they will go a little far away from their families because of their efforts in their career, but they will achieve good results in their career. Although there may be a dilemma now, it can be remedied afterwards.

Dream that he has been in a meeting, indicating that he will worry about things at work, there will be endless things to do

Dream of summing up their work at the meeting, indicating that work, career will stagnate, but will soon find a breakthrough.

Dream of their own presided over the meeting, indicating that they will defeat the opponent.